Core Acupuncture Acupuncture Clinic in Market Weighton

Prices and Contact. Front view

Opening Hours

Core Acupuncture is open on:

Wednesday 11.00hrs to 20.00hrs

Enquiries and appointments

If you have any specific questions that are not covered on the website or would like to make an appointment please get in touch.

Please call or text on 07513 079165


Jane prioritises the treatment of patients but will return all voicemails and emails as soon as possible.


First appointment (consultation and treatment) 90mins £45.00

Follow up appointments 45mins £35.00

Moxa for breech (including take home materials) 45mins £45.00

A £15.00 charge is made for missed appointments or short notice cancellations.

Jane runs low cost community clinics in Hull and Beverley. To find out more about these clinics Click here.

Most health insurance and health plans cover acupuncture so please ask for a receipt if you can claim back your costs.

How to find Core Acupuncture

Core Acupuncture is within The Wellbeing Centre

80, York Road,
Market Weighton,
East Yorkshire
Y043 8EF

Prices and Contact. The Wellbeing Centre

The Wellbeing Centre is on the main street in central Market Weighton, there is a large free public car park next to the centre. Access to this car park is via Londesborough Rd.

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